So…what do we think of the current trend of beards and moustaches that have recently been thrown our way by the masses? personally i think we're onto a winner…Yes theres the "hipster" community that have taken it on board and some might say too far what with the potential hair transplants???and beard weaves!?!?!genius.
But where does the majority stand on this trend?Lets face it, beards have been around for centuries wether that be on purpose or just the unkempt "i don't give a crap" beard look.As far as i'm concerned as long as its looked after and kept proper like a true discerning gentleman then whats the problem?its a good look, and lets face when you see a full beard like these gents pictured you automatically think MAN!well i do anyway.
I mean look at this chap on the right look how happy he looks?surely every man wants to look that good?Dont get me wrong he could trim the sides a bit but thats just my opinion as a barber and possible ocd with facial hair and styling.
So what does the unkempt gentleman need to look for in his beard?and how does he keep it nice and tidy and conditioned?lets face it nobody likes a beard that resembles a bale of hay.
Firstly you need a damn good oil that can not only condition but also moisturise the skin because lets face it your gonna get itchy with that bad boy.
You need to look for natural oils that have the right formula you don't want chemicals that could potentially dry it out, theres plenty on the market including my own brand at browns parlour which if you follow this link to my Facebook page you can get from my bad self plus there are plenty other brands you can choose from online you just need to take the time to investigate properly.
So what do we think about moustaches?or both?Personally i think both together is a winner but don't get me wrong thats some high maintenance you say?of course it is…a small price to pay for manliness if you ask me.
So what does a gent use on this premiscuous beast?i'll tell you….
Clearly our good friend magnum pi has opted for a non product look, what i'd call the broom end tache.Not much maintenance…bit of a trim here and there and off you go!job done!
Personally i think a good tache needs character!a fine wax is needed to provide such character to ones nose cosy.Again you can find a full range of waxes online from different companies and much like the oils there all in different scents, consistencies etc.
Once again you can find my own formula of what i'd like to call adventurers strength moustache wax by following the link to my page which i mentioned above.
See the thing that annoy me though is when people say what are you going to do as a barber when this "trend" ends?touche my friend!this is no current trend!as our fine model gent to my left examples this.
there will always be "trends" as such but lets be honest thats only a fad really as tache's and beards have been around for a lot longer than these "hipsters"or whatever people refer to them as.And please don't take that as me being against said group i emplore the beard and tache!!
All i ask is that if your going to do it lets do it properly gents!!settle for nothing less!!and share the wealth!there are an abundance of forums and pages that encourage the art of what we as men call beards and moustaches!get involved!
Thank you for listening.The Parlour.
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